Analytical Studies
We are at the forefront of innovation in methods to analyse real estate dynamics and deploy a range of technical tools to deliver insight to clients.
For owning and investing clients, we undertake technical studies looking at areas such as building specification, rent reviews and occupational trends, including occupier density studies. We also undertake development appraisal and feasibility studies to underpin, for example, planning applications. We have recently examined the impact of rates revaluation on SMEs, viability assessments in the planning system, empty homes on high streets and changing workstyles.
For policy makers we have a range of tools and methods for reviewing planning policy, particularly in the area of responding to economic change and trends in the demand markets.

A selection of recent analytical services clients...
BCO, Bloombridge, CoreNet UK, Dover District Council, Jones Lang LaSalle, London Borough of Islington, More London and Obsidian.
Recent Projects
The following is a brief review of some recent work undertaken by Ramidus for our growing client base.
Much of our work contains market/business sensitivities, and we are therefore only able to show a small cross section of work.
British Council for Offices
Appointed with Currie & Brown to undertake a study examining how the physical design and management of offices can influence both individual and organisational productivity. Defining and Measuring Productivity in Officesproposed a definition of a productive workplace and then considered how the productivity potential of a workplace can be measured. Finally, it identified key attributes that contribute to creating a productive workplace and the steps that can be taken to make the most of available opportunities to improve performance.
London Councils
Appointed by a coalition of London councils, alongside the Universities of Reading and Kingston, to evaluate the impact of changes in planning legislation on the value of residential land in London. The report, Viability and the Planning System, examined the manner in which developers approached viability discussions and proposed changes to the way in which requirements for affordable housing should be presented.
Empty Homes Agency
The EHA wished to understand the constraints and opportunities relating to potential action by property owners, local authorities, housing providers and others to make the most of empty commercial property and, in so doing, to help address the country’s housing needs. The project, published as Affordable Homes from Empty Commercial Spaces, gathered the perspectives of owners and business users of commercial property who might sell or lease premises to housing providers, or undertake conversion works themselves, and sell or rent the property directly as market housing
Lipton Rogers
Undertook a study to help move the debate about building evaluation forwards, from one about the physical parameters of buildings, to one including the social, community, wellbeing and agile working aspects of buildings. The work provided an innovative perspective on building evaluation that has been integrated into the design and marketing of the building.
British Council for Offices
Undertook a data-based study of the role of occupancy costs in overall operational costs of business. The report, The Proportion of Underlying Business Costs Accounted for by Real Estate, helped to inform uninformed assumptions about the cost of real estate.
City of London Corporation
A study on the evolving locational, building and workplace needs of SMEs. The study, Clusters and Connectivity: the City as a Location for SMEs, involved a detailed survey of SMEs, as well as consultations with supply side actors. The study made detailed recommendations on how the Corporation might continue to nurture small businesses, including by collaborating with neighbouring boroughs.
Appointed with Occupiers Journal to undertake a study looking at the evolving role of facilities management. Published as Raising the Bar: from Operational Excellence to Strategic Impact of FM, the report was a major empirical study, gathering evidence on the structure and direction of the FM profession. The study made a series of strategic recommendations to the RICS and IFMA.